Tuesday, October 5, 2010

(Missing Journal, due to technical problem.) - Class 6.

For the past two classes, we shared about the narrative stories, and some of them were about illness, such as cancer. I was very touched by the stories, and also it reminds me earlier this week, SFU hold a memorial event for Terry Fox, and it is obvious that his spirit is inspiring us until today. Life is short and life is unfair; however, how to use the limited life to do some unlimited or significant thing is always a goal that people always want to achieve. Maybe as an educator, we can not teach all the knowledge to them, but we can guide them a right way, lit a light for them on the path to the success. Teaching them how to be a good person, the moral values, proper personal behaviour…etc. isn’t that more meaningful and useful for their future? The fact is, we need this kind of knowledge; however, in our current curriculum, there is no such class exists. Maybe we all should have a doubt to our current education system?

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